Alex Zampalo Batiste

by MysrilankaTravel

Hi Gama! 

First of all, thank you very much for inviting us to meet your house and your family. We spent a really good time having tea and some tipical dishes! About the tour, we enjoyed a lot every time. Nowadays, we can say that we know quite good the culture of Sri Lanka. In this way, the guide Dinesh was amazing, his explanations, his way of taking care of us and his gentleness. He transformed an amazing tour in the best tour ever! Regarding the places we have visited, it is difficoult to choose just some but, we think that there are some must: “Sri Lankan live experience”, Temple of tooth, Sigiriya, train from Nanuoya to Ella, National Park of Yala and Colombo as the capital. Finally, the tour was very complete and we did not feel tired at any time, the hotels were amazing and we had enough time to have rest every day. I hope you to continue showing Sri Lanka to the world as till now. Maybe we will see you again in Sri Lanka to visit the East coast! ๐Ÿ˜‰ 

Kind regards from Spain!!Alex

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